Product info
Luxfer Gas Cylinders produces the world’s most comprehensive range of cylinders for high-pressure containment of o2 (oxygen) and other medical gases.
High-performance Luxfer cylinders are the lightweight, corrosion-resistant alternative to conventional steel cylinders, combining dramatic weight savings with extended gas delivery and exceptional strength and durability.
Luxfer medical cylinders are the ideal choice for home oxygen therapy, emergency medical services and pre-hospital care, as well as hospitals, nursing homes and other medical institutions.


L7X® hoop-wrap medical cylinders.
Our L7X hoop-wrap cylinders are manufactured with inner aluminium liners made from Luxfer’s L7X higher-strength alloy that provides not only superior mechanical characteristics, but also significant weight savings. L7X liners are strengthened along the parallel cylinder sidewall with ultra-high-strength fibre wrapping, resulting in a high-performance cylinder that is compact, light in weight and extremely corrosion-resistant.